The Goal

Josekipedia strives to be the most complete joseki resource on the planet, in both content and features. Free for the world to study, debate, contribute, and learn.


Unlimited Joseki Database

Josekipedia can store an unlimited amount of joseki information. Sequences load dynamically from the server on demand, so the client loads fast. Josekis change as players discover new sequences and reevaluate old ones, and Josekipedia changes alongside.


Crowdsourced means that the content comes from a large body of people, and any competent people can contribute. Wikipedia is an example of this. The number of joseki sequences in existence is too much for any one mind to remember, especially when considering all the incorrect variations that branch out from official joseki.


Explanations can accompany each position in Josekipedia -- text that talks about the variation. For example, a joseki book will discuss a position, but merely looking at raw pro game records will not. Since pros make mistakes too, simply relying on their moves in games can be misleading. Additionally, many moves are dependent on considerations outside the corner, and the context is key to understanding the value of the move.

Color Coded

By color coding moves by type (good move, bad move, etc.), you can understand the basics of a position at a glance. This is a huge time saver. If you have to read text to understand if a move is good or bad, your progress will be slow.

Edit History

Key to any source of information is knowing its author. Since josekipedia is a collaborative effort, we provide the authoring history for every position: who changed what when. If no user was associated with the change, an IP is given. This also makes it easy to revert changes.

UI Internationalized

Josekipedia's UI is translated into multiple languages, and more are added all the time.

Content Internationalized

Much harder than internationalizing the user interface is translating the actual content. The user interface tends to remain pretty static over time, but the content continues to grow! To help solve this problem, Josekipedia uses a standard set of labels, one or more of which can be applied to any position. For example, a contributor might label a position as 'Good for white', selecting this label from a menu. This is then automatically translated into all available languages.

Josekipedia also allows internationalizing of the custom content in each position. Here, it can't be automatic, so it must be translated manually.

Ask Questions

How many times has this happened to you? You are playing a game, your opponent plays an unexpected move in a joseki, and you later turn to a joseki dictionary to see what that move means. But the dictionary doesn't cover it! Was it a mistake, a variation they don't cover, or some new joseki that has become popular since the dictionary was created? This is why it's important to be able to ask questions on Josekipedia. Josekis continually evolve, and without a dictionary that evolves, you can never completely trust your source.


Unlike a life and death problem where you can prove that white is dead, there's no way to prove a move is joseki. In the end, you have to trust someone's opinion. Hopefully that someone is a player strong enough to be right. Because most contributors to Josekipedia will not be of professional strength, it is important for as many positions as possible to have a source, such as a top pro or a book (which was written by a top pro).


Being able to discuss each move is an important feature for a joseki dictionary. This lets an ecosystem of contributors debate a controversial position, and hopefully arrive at the correct conclusion.

Linking to Positions

Josekipedia supports linking directly to positions in the tree. By clicking the permalink item at the top of the app, the address bar will show the current location.

Pro Games

Showing pro games that involve the given sequence is a great feature. This will come to Josekipedia eventually, but is a ways off.


Josekipedia was designed and created by Adam Miller, who may be reached at Much thanks to Saito Takaaki who has contributed important improvements to the codebase. Thanks to Dave Marvit for coming up with the name 'Josekipedia'. Thanks to Justin Kramer for creating the superb Eidogo. Logo created by Jimena Vabm.